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Technology is changing at a lightning fast pace and one such advancement is time clock with biometric fingerprint scanning system. Time clock with biometric fingerprint scanning is becoming popular day by day with many organizations like hospitals, restaurants, banks and even corporations adopting this new method for time keeping. This time clock is efficient and saves time as it counts the number of hours worked instead of timecards. The time clock with biometric fingerprint system uses fingerprints as a means of authentication. The fingerprints are scanned against the Windows system or against any other biometric database to verify the identity. This helps prevent forgery of wages, overtime pay, commissions and job offer etc. Visit this link for more info about this solution.

There are three methods through which a time clock with biometric fingerprint scanning can be installed in an organization. These include PC based time clock, mobile time clock and Internet time clock. The PC based time clock with biometric authentication system works only on a computer and Internet connection. On the other hand, the mobile time clock requires installation on a personal digital assistant (PDA) or smart phone. The third type, the Internet time clock requires an Internet access that is always on. Irrespective of the type of time clock with biometric fingerprint scanning installed, the end results are the same.

Fingerprints of the employees are captured using  this biometric scanner and the system matches the fingerprints against the existing databases. When a match is found, the system dials the employee up to find out if his fingerprint matches the stored fingerprint database. In case of a successful match, the system credits the employee with a point and displays the result on the LCD screen. Points are accumulated and the employees can make use of them according to their choice.

With time clocks, biometric security systems have become more effective than the passwords. No thief can login into the system and gain access to the time clock, unless he knows the password. On the other hand, with these time clocks, fingerprints can be matched using a common method. Thus, no single person can login and take control of the time clock system.

A time clock with biometric fingerprint scanning is ideal for workplaces such as warehouses and stores. These places are well protected by the systems. However, there are situations where the biometric fingerprint scanning cannot prevent tampering. For example, if a thief breaks into a store, he may pass through the security scanners without being detected. Thus, it is necessary to lock all the doors while the system is working.

It is recommended that a time clock with biometric fingerprint system is installed in your home. It is cheaper than traditional time clocks and does not require any additional equipment. However, you should ensure that all the sensors are working properly to avoid false readings.

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